
Thanks for dropping by. I’ve finally gotten around to joining the bloggerati, albeit reluctantly. You see, I don’t really have anything to say. And if I did, I probably wouldn’t want to tell anybody. So this is some what of a conundrum for me.

I have been sick of my old site, languishing as it had been for a decade or so, and have been meaning to update it for years. Since WordPress has become so ubiquitous and easy to use, it made sense to revamp in that format. But now I have to use it to say stuff.

And who really cares what I have to say? Not me. So I’ll try to keep things interesting as we move along.

Most of what I’ll be posting will be related to the current state of filmmaking tech. and the random interjection of personal asides, as well as some domestic family stuff.

Hope you are mildly entertained and perhaps I’ll stumble on the rare nugget that enlightens.

Thanks for reading.

The Management